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Dry ice

Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide (CO2) with a temperature of -79° C, just as snow in winter is a solid form of water (H2O). It is called “dry ice” as it does not contain water and does turn to a liquid.

Dry-ice is made from liquid CO2 stored at -20°C and when expanding, the liquid CO2 goes from liquid to solid state to -78.5°C. Then, this ice is compressed by a machine called "pelletiser" to obtain is final form of sticks or blocks of different sizes.

The CO2 used usually comes from emissions from the chemical or biological industry: it is therefore a waste that is reclaimed.




Uses of dry ice

Dry ice has a very important cooling capacity: -78.5°C! Therefore, no germ or bacteria can contaminate your products. Moreover, it does not produce any solid or liquid residue during sublimation which means that it leaves does not affect the quality of your food. This is why it is very popular for cold production.

  • Storage and transport of vaccines, …
  • Cryogenic cleaning and stripping (ice particles are projected over the surface to be treated with compressed air) ;
  • Storage and transport of refrigerated products (food, pharmaceutical and medical products...) ;
  • Quick freezing of food (fruit, fresh fish, ...) ;
  • Protection of harvest after harvest;
  • Air refueling, caterers, funeral homes ;
  • Basic and applied research (exothermic cooling) ;
  • Playful applications (white smoke production in movies or events) ;
  • Dermatology (to burn warts and erase skin imperfections)
  • Pest control (pest control, moles...)


Dry ice offer 

KAUFFMAN GAZ can provide you several forms of dry ice depending on your needs:

  • Sicks of Co2 of 3, 10 or 16 mm,
  • Blocks of 15x15x2cm (± 750 gr).

 KAUFFMAN GAZ can offer you several forms of packaging to transport the dry ice:

  • Polystyrene box (capacity of ± 25 kg),
  • Refrigerated container (capacity from ± 200 kg to ± 350 kg)